HC Deb 22 June 1982 vol 26 cc76-9W
Mr. Pawsey

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (1) if he will list the non-official bodies to which his Department gives grants or makes contributions; and how much was paid to each in the last financial year;

(2) if he will list the international organisations lo which his Department gives grants or makes contributions; and how much was paid to each in the last financial year.

Mr. Rifkind

The following payments in respect of grants and contributions to international organisations and non-official bodies were made in the financial year 1981–82. Where final figures for 1981–82 are not available, estimated outturns have been given.

A number of payments might properly be included in both lists, but, to avoid duplication, have been restricted to the lists considered most appropriate.

Non-official BodiesFCO Diplomatic Wing
BBC: External Broadcasting Services 57,812,000
BBC: External Monitoring Services 3,986,000
British Yugoslav Society 9,000
United Nations Association 23,000
Trilateral Commission 1,000
South African War Graves Board 3,100

European Schools Day 7,064
Joint Commonwealth Societies Council 1,250
Franco-British Council 46,900
British Atlantic Committee 33,185
British Youth Council 35,112
College of Europe: Bruges 2,500
United Kingdom Immigrants Advisory Service 10,959
European Movement (British Council) Ltd 30,000
Federal Trust for Education and Research 8,000
Ockenden Venture 5,000
Royal Society 3,500
International OrganisationsFCO Diplomatic Wing
Commonwealth Foundation 220,000
North Atlantic Assembly 116,408
International Committee of the Red Cross 135,000
International Committee of Jurists 8,000
United Nations Regular Budget 14,020,118
UNFICYP (United Nations Force in Cyprus) 21,528,101
UNDOF (United Nations Disengagement Observer Force) 846,890
UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon) 4,546,874
Commonwealth Secretaria 1,058,208
Council of Europe 3,887,591
Council of Europe—European Youth Foundation 96,266
Western European Union (WEU) 817,109
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 2,078,672
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) 4,728,262
MBFR 66,961
South Pacific Commission 204,109
Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (PIL) 22,941
Universal Postal Union 32,613
COCOM (Co-ordinating Committee, Paris) 24,957
International Institute for the Unification of Private Law 17,451
International Exhibitions Bureau 4,116
Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 3,078
Permanent Court of Arbitration 2,831
Non-Official Bodies: ODA Wing
African Medical and Research Foundation 125,000
Association of Commonwealth Universities 22,500
British Executive Services Overseas 234,000
British Institute of International and Co-operative Law 11,000
British Volunteer Programme 3,229,000
Building and Social Housing Foundation 30,000
Bureau of Hygiene and Tropical Diseases 120,000
Catholic Fund for Overseas Development 90,000
Centre for Population Studies 115,000
Centre for Training and Technical Co-operation in Food and Nutrition Planning 44,000
Centre for Tropical Veterinary Medicine 519,000
Christians Abroad 9,750
Christian Aid 300,000
City and Guilds of London Institute 60,000
Co-operative Liaison Education and Research Unit (CLEAR) 40,000
Co-operative Union Ltd 12,722
David Owen Centre 29,000
Development Planning Unit: School of Environmental Studies 72,000
Energy Technology Division: Harwell 90,000
Farnham Castle Centre for International Briefing 178,000
Indian Institute of Technology 6,000
Institute of Development Studies: University of Sussex 1,160,000
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine—Department of Child Health 161,200
National Centre for Remote Sensing 30,000
Overseas Development Institute 310,000
Overseas Spraying Machinery Centre 26,000
Oxfam 1,200,000

Plunkett Foundation for Co-operative Studies 5,625
Queen Elizabeth House 195,000
Reading University 152,000
Royal Commonwealth Society for the Blind 27,000
Save the Children Fund 1,150
Tsetse Research Laboratory 165,000
University of Bangor 64,000
University of Bristol—Tsetse Research 22,000
University of London (three Grants) 113,000
University of Newcastle upon Tyne—Department of Child Health 32,000
Womens Corona Society 28,000
Young Men's Christian Association 19,000
Trades Union Conference 75,000
World University Service 2,440,000

In addition, the bulk of the expenditure from the following subheads would be paid to "non-official" bodies but we are unable, at the moment, to give a breakdown of the amounts spent.

D5 Research and Development (Details of 1981–82 expenditure will be published in the Report of Research and Development 1982) 5,500,000
D10 (42) Voluntary Agencies Development Projects Overseas 980,000
(43) Voluntary Agencies Projects on behalf of Refugees 110,000
International OrganisationsODA Wing
1. Regional Development Banks
African Development Fund 1,800,000
Asian Development Bank 2,995,130
Caribbean Development Bank 162,420
Inter American Development Bank 6,658,735
International Development Association 149,793,000
2. United Nations Organisations
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations 4,005,000
International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (Rome) 43,000
International Fund for Agricultural Development 2,119,090
International Monetary Fund 597,116
United Nations Children's Fund 5,983,000
United Nations Development Programme 17,500,000
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation 4,361,000
United Nations Fund for Population Activities 2,250,000
United Nations High Commission for Refugees 6,000,000
United Nations Industrial Development Fund 367,523
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees 4,750,000
United Nations Trust Fund for Special Assistance Programmes 250,000
United Nations University Endowment Fund 2,000,000
World Food Programme 3,196,000
World Health Organisation 1,062,716
3. Research Organisations
African Medical and Research Foundation 100,000
International Board for Plant Genetic Resources 130,000
International Centre for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas 150,000
International Centre for Diarroheal Diseases 110,000
International Centre for Tropical Agriculture 230,000
International Course Development Orientated Research 40,000
International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics 480,000
International Institute for Tropical Agriculture 330,000
International Livestock Centre for Africa 120,000

International Laboratory for Research in Animal Diseases 220,000
International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre 230,000
International Potato Centre 265,000
International Planned Parenthood Federation 2,050,000
International Rice Research Institute 625,000
4. European Community
European Community/International Development Association Special Action 12,400,000
European Development Fund 46,454,984
5. Others
Caribbean Epidemiology Centre 55,000
Colombo Plan Bureau 5,000
Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux 56,000
Commonwealth Forestry Institute 100,000
Commonwealth Foundation 110,000
Commonwealth Science Council 67,074
International African Institute 7,000
International Committee of the Red Cross (Refugee Appeals) 605,000
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 145,000
World University Service 1,687,826