§ Mr. Spearingasked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list in the Official Report the names of each country which took sanctions against Argentina and for each state the nature and dates of imposition and termination of the measures and any significant qualifications in each case.
§ Mr. RifkindThe following table shows decisions announced by the Governments concerned:
5 April. Canada: Embargo on all military supplies. 8 April. Australia: Ban on imports; no new export credit commitments.
10 April. European Community: Announcement in political co-operation of decisions to ban imports and embargo military supplies. 12 April. Canada: Ban on imports: no new export credit commitments. 13 April. New Zealand: Ban on imports and exports; arms and military material embargo; no new export credit commitments. 16 April. European Community: Entry into force of import ban. Understanding that there would in practice be no new Government supported export credits. 19 April. Norway: Ban on imports. 30 April. United States: Ban on military exports; suspension of new export/import bank credit and guarantees and of commodity credit guarantees. 30 April. Japan: Announcement that the Japanese Government had issued advice to the business community designed to prevent any action by Japanese firms that would undermine the trade measures against Argentina applied by other countries, and that no new official credits would be given for exports to Argentina. 17 May. Ireland and Italy: Non-application of renewed European Community regulation renewing import ban, with commitment not to undermine it. 24 May. Denmark: replaces European Community import ban by equivalent national ban. The import ban applied by our Community partners exempted existing contracts and goods in transit on 16 April. Other measures were framed in accordance with the views of the Government concerned.