HL Deb 17 June 1982 vol 431 cc763-4WA
Lord Winstanley

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether, in view of their opinion expressed in answer to his earlier Question (Official Report, 6th May 1982; col. 1347) that "single-use needles and syringes offer little advantage other than convenience over the re-usable kind…", they now intend to cease issuing disposable needles and syringes to general practitioners and district nurses.

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Health and Social Security (Lord Trefgarne)

No. General practitioners and district nurses are issued with disposable (single-use) needles and syringes to avoid the risk of cross-infection which could occur if they used the same hypodermic equipment, even after sterilisation, for more than one patient for different kinds of treatment.

Diabetic patients following good hygienic practice are not exposed to this risk as each has his own personal set of re-usable hypodermic equipment.

House adjourned at two minutes before seven o'clock.