HC Deb 15 June 1982 vol 25 cc247-8W
Mr. Arnold

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science on how many occasions he has accepted proposals for the discontinuance of schools under the Education Act 1980; on how many occasions he has rejected them; and on how many occasions he has approved proposals with modifications.

Dr. Boyson

Since the Education Act 1980 came into effect my right hon. Friend and his predecessor, my right hon. and learned Friend the Member for Runcorn (Mr. Carlisle), have approved 251 proposals to cease to maintain schools; of these 24 were approved with modifications. Over the same period 23 proposals to cease to maintain schools were rejected.

Mr. Arnold

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science on how many occasions a Minister from his Department has visited a school in connection with the exercise of his powers under section 12 of the Education Act 1980.

Dr. Boyson

As a matter of policy, and having regard to my right hon. Friend's quasi-judicial function in deciding section 12 proposals, Ministers normally do not visit schools which are subject to such proposals. Exceptionally, and in view of the special circumstances involved, I visited in November 1981 the sites of eight schools in Liverpool which were the subject of section 12 proposals.

Mr. Arnold

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science to what extent when considering proposals for the closure of a school under section 12 of the Education Act 1980, he requires the provision of information on the consequences of the closure upon other schools in the local authority area; and whether it is his practice to require such information in all cases.

Dr. Boyson

When considering school closure proposals which fall to him for decision, my right hon. Friend always has regard to their effect on other schools in the area and proposers are invited to supply the Department with appropriate information about the schools concerned.

Mr. Arnold

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science to what extent Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Schools assists local education authorities in preparing proposals for the discontinuance or alteration of schools.

Dr. Boyson

While it is normal for members of Her Majesty's inspectorate to discuss the educational provision and needs of an area with the local education authority concerned, it is no part of their function to assist an authority to formulate statutory proposals.

Mr. Arnold

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science what proportion of proposals coming within section 12 of the Education Act 1980 have required his approval; and how many proposals he has considered by virtue of subsection 5(a) and how many by virtue of subsection 5(b) of that section.

Dr. Boyson

Of 463 section 12 proposals decided between the coming into force of the Education Act 1980 and May 1982, 254 or 55 per cent. have fallen to my right hon. Friend to decide. In the months January to May 1982, the only period for which figures are immediately available, of the 101 section 12 proposals decided by my right hon. Friend, 29 were considered by virtue of subsection 5(a) and 72 by virtue of subsection 5(b)in certain cases both subsections applied.

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