HC Deb 19 July 1982 vol 28 cc35-6W
Mr. William Ross

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what is his estimate as to how much explosive was used by terrorist organisations in each of the present Royal Ulster Constabulary divisions and former Royal Ulster Constabulary counties in each month and quarter since 1 January 1969; how much (a) was defused and (b) exploded; of the amounts used in each period in each area, how much is believed to be the work of the republican terrorist organisations; and, if full information is not available, if he will publish as much as can be supplied.

Mr. Prior

Information in the form requested could not be obtained without disproportionate cost. However, the estimated amounts of explosives used in explosions and the amounts neutralised in each year since 1970 to 30 June 1982 are as follows:

Year Weight of explosives (kgs)
Explosions* Neutralised
1970 331 27
1971 4,977 1,361
1972 21,529 9,062
1973 21,533 14,719
1974 21,063 12,290
1975 6,238 5,062
1976 7,981 7,372
1977 1,274 992
1978 2,424 2,658
1979 5,087 2,055
1980 4,109 2,905
1981 4,364 4,159
†l982 4,230 1,966
* Estimated.
† To 30 June.

Mr. William Ross

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland (1) for each month and quarter since 1 January 1969 to the latest available date; how many culvert and similar bombs (a) exploded and (b) were defused in Northern Ireland; how much explosive was involved in each period; how much of that explosive is believed to have been commercial and how much mixtures made up by terrorist organisations; how many and what quantities in each month were believed to be the work of Republican terrorist organisations; and, if full information is not available, if he will publish as much as can be supplied;

(2) for each month and quarter since 1 January 1969 to the latest available date, how many bombs other than car bombs and culvert and similar bombs (a) exploded and (b) were defused; how much explosive was involved in each period; how much of that explosive is believed to have been commercial and how much mixtures made up by terrorist organisations; in each case how many bombs and how many of each type of explosive were the work of Republican terrorist organisations; and, if full information is not available, if he will publish so much of this information as is available;

(3) for each month and quarter since 1 January 1969 to the latest available date, how many car bombs (a) exploded and (b) were defused in Northern Ireland; how much explosive was involved in each period; how much of that explosive is believed to have been commercial and how much mixtures made up by terrorist organisations; how much explosive and bombs are believed to be the work of Republican organisations; and if full information is not available, if he will publish as much as possible.

Mr. Prior

I refer the hon. Gentleman to the reply given to the hon. Gentleman for Belfast, East (Mr. Robinson) on 8 July. I regret that further information in the form requested could only be obtained at disproportionate cost.—[Vol. 27, c.193–94.]