HC Deb 19 July 1982 vol 28 c60W
Mr. Frank Allaun

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment where rent support is involved, whether he undertakes any regular or periodic monitoring to ensure that local authorities require compliance with landlord and tenant legislation, the rent book regulations regarding the provision of rent books and the Rent Act regarding service of prescribed notices, fair rent, adherence to the terms and conditions of statutory tenancies by landlords and establishment of rates proportionment.

Mr. Stanley

The administration of the rent assistance schemes is the responsibility of the local authorities, which must satisfy themselves about the eligibility of applicants for rent allowances but are not required to satisfy themselves about compliance with other aspects of landlord and tenant legislation in assessing entitlement.

Mr. Frank Allaun

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he is satisfied that the rent officer service and rent assessment committees are conscious of the need to pay full regard to all the circumstances required in section 70 of the Rent Act 1977, in particular the state of repair, capital value, a fair yield to the landlords on their investment and the availability of repairs and improvement grants to their involvement in the premises, when determining fair rents.

Mr. Stanley

I am satisfied that the rent officer service and rent assessment committees are conscious of the need to pay full regard to all the circumstances required in section 70 of the Rent Act 1977 when determining fair rents. Of the circumstances referred to by the hon. Member, only the state of repair is explicitly covered by the requirements of section 70, although the courts have held that account may be taken of return on capital value.