HC Deb 13 July 1982 vol 27 c362W
Mr. Donald Stewart

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will introduce legislation to amend section 5 of the Crown Estates Act 1961 to make the Crown Estates Commissioners more accountable, and further to compel the Crown Estate Commissioners to advertise applications for leases of the beds of sealochs and to take account of local opinion before finalising the conditions of, or entering into, any lease.

Mr. Younger

Her Majesty's Government have no immediate plans to amend the Crown Estates Act 1961 in respect of the points raised by the right hon. Member. In particular, the question of advertising proposed leases of the sea bed in connection with fish farming is considered in a discussion document on fish farming and fish diseases issued by my Department in September 1981. Discussions are continuing and no decisions have yet been taken.