HC Deb 08 July 1982 vol 27 c207W
Mr. Charles Morrison

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment when he intends to publish the code of guidance for areas of special scientific interest required by section 33 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.

Mr. Macfarlane

The code of guidance for sites of special scientific interest required by section 33 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act was laid before both Houses of Parliament on 5 July. It is hoped that it will be possible to obtain the approval of both Houses before the summer recess. If so, publication should be possible by early September.

1980–81 £ million 1979–80 £ million 1978–79 £ million 1977–78 £ million 1976–77 £ million
Sales Commodities 142 149 112 115 123
Operational Services 24 23 20 19 17
Customer Services 41 41 30 29 28
207 213 162 163 168
Demands for commodities placed directly by clients on suppliers under contracts arranged by PSA Supplies 260 264 166 147 116
Surplus after interest 1.430 1.721 2.614 5.213 3.856
Surplus before interest on long term borrowing as a per cent. of average net assets 11 12 17 28 27
Total costs—historic terms
Purchase of goods and services for resale 158 171 125 123 130
Salaries, wages, National Insurance Superannuation 25 22 19 19 18
Other administrative overheads 20 16 13 13 14
203 209 157 155 162


Since PSA Supplies operates profitably on a Trading Fund basis no direct costs to public funds were incurred.

Staff in post at 1 April 1982, 2,134; 1981, 3,007; 1980, 3,277; 1979, 3,629; 1978, 3,734; 1977, 4,022; 1976, 4,100.

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