HC Deb 08 July 1982 vol 27 cc192-3W
Mr. Nicholas Winterton

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science how many pupils now attend sixth form colleges in the State sector of education.

Dr. Boyson

In January 1981, the latest date for which information is available, there were 60,099 pupils in sixth form colleges in England. An additional 13,029 students aged 16 to 18 years were enrolled on full-time and sandwich courses in tertiary colleges in November 1980.

Year Land Mines Booby Traps Mortars Blast Incendiaries Blast Bombs Car Bombs Cassette Incendiaries
1977 27(11) 43(22) 44(10) 126(33) 283(78) 23(7) 472(235)
1978 26(7) 20(7) 28(13) 387(101) 116(30) 22(4) 110(52)
1979 22(2) 17(6) 9 415(105) 85(22) 25(2) 57(26)
1980 25(8) 15(6) 10(9) 279(88) 57(14) 25(5) 2(2)
1981 39(16) 32(14) 60(12) 95(30) 220(21) 36(9) 48(15)
1982 (at 30 June) 16(6) 23(12) 20(5) 52(19) 64(16) 28(9) 19(13)

The figures without brackets show the total number of devices used; the figures in brackets show the number of these devices that were neutralised.