HC Deb 06 July 1982 vol 27 cc89-90W
Mr. Les Huckfield

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services whether he will publish details of inpatient and outpatient waiting lists in Nuneaton hospitals, comparing these with other centres in the West Midlands and the rest of the country in each major specialty to the latest convenient date.

registrar posts in geriatrics and psychiatry are filled by medical practitioners who qualified overseas, other than in the Irish Republic and European Community countries; and how these figures compare with two and five years previously.

Mr. Kenneth Clarke

Information on the number of consultants and registrars in the specialties of geriatric medicine and psychiatry who qualified outside the member State of European Community could be obtained only at disproportionate cost, but the numbers of doctors in these grades working in these specialties concerned in hospitals in England and Wales on the dates shown and the proportion who were born outside the United Kingdom and the Irish Republic were:

Mr. Geoffrey Finsberg

The numbers of patients on inpatient waiting lists of major specialties in Nuneaton hospitals from returns supplied by the relevant health authority at 31 December 1981, were:

Hospital Specialty Number on Waiting Lists
George Eliot Hospital General Surgery 380
Urology 74
Gynaecology 218
Manor Hospital Traumatic and Orthopaedic Surgery 111

Meaningful comparisons with other hospitals in the West Midlands and in the country as a whole cannot be made, because staffing patterns, numbers of operating theatres and of beds vary, as does the size of population served by each hospital.

Statistics are not collected on the number of patients waiting for outpatient appointments.