HC Deb 05 July 1982 vol 27 c12W
Mr. Skinner

asked the Secretary of State for Employment (1) what is the rate of female unemployment among 15 to 19-year-olds (a) nationally and (b) in the county of Derbyshire;

(2) what is the rate of unemployment among 60-year-old men (a) nationally and (b) in the county of Derbyshire.

Mr. Alison

At 15 April 1982, the latest date for which the quarterly age analysis is available, the estimated unemployment rates for the United Kingdom were 21.2 per cent. for females aged 19 and under, and 19.7 per cent. for males aged 60 and over. Figures are not available for males aged 60 exactly. Corresponding information is not available for Derbyshire.

Rates of unemployment for different age groups are calculated by expressing the number of people unemployed in the age group as a percentage of the total number of employees, both employed and unemployed, in the same age group. Because estimates of the number of employees in different age groups are available only at national level, it is not possible to estimate rates by age for individual areas.

Note: While the figures are presented to one decimal place they should not be regarded as implying precision to that degree.