HC Deb 21 January 1982 vol 16 cc163-5W
Mr. Gordon Wilson

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment how many times the former Scottish Assembly building was let during the past two Edinburgh festivals; whether his Department is taking any measures to ensure that organisations both within the United Kingdom and overseas are aware that parts of the building will be available during the 1922 festival.

Mr. Heseltine

The former Scottish Assembly buildng was let on only one occasion during the past two Edinburgh festivals—the let was for the Edinburgh international television festival during the period 19 to 30 August 1980.

Pending the completion of the present conversion works at the former Scottish Assembly buildings and the conclusion of the experimental period of use by the Scottish Grand Committee no action is being taken by my Department regarding the possible availability of the buildings for use during the 1982 festival.

Mr. Gordon Wilson

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will list the organisations which to date have had applications for use of the former Scottish Assembly building rejected by his Department.

Mr. Heseltine

The following organisations have had applications for use of the former Scottish Assembly building rejected:

Edinburgh City Fellowship 19 July 1979
Kirk o' Fields Parish Church 18 June 1980
IBM United Kingdom Ltd 27 January 1981
Benns Rejeer 3 December 1980
Kirk o' Fields Parish Church 6 March 1981

Edinburgh International Television Festival 30 January 1981
Campaign for a Scottish Assembly 2 June 1980
The Andrew Fletcher Society 11 July 1980

All rejected applications with the exception of those from the Campaign for a Scottish Assembly and the Andrew Fletcher Society were due to non-availability or unsuitability of the accommodation.

Mr. Gordon Wilson

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will list the names and addresses of organisations to which his Department gave permission to hold meetings within the former Scottish Assembly building; and if he will give the date of each respective let.

Mr. Heseltine

The following organisations were granted permission to hold meetings in the former Scottish Assembly building:

Organisation Date of meeting
The Cookburn Association 7 July 1980
COSLA 27 June 1980
Edinburgh International Television Festival 19 to 30 August 1980
Soldiers Sailors and Airmen's Families Association 16–17 October 1980
CILECT Conference (National Film School) 8–9 September 1980
COSLA 24 October 1980
Royal Institute of Architects in Scotland 25 November 1980
Scottish Education and Action for Development 4 November
Insurance Society of Edinburgh 11 November 1980
Scottish Television 11 and 12 November 1980
Cookburn Association 20 November 1980
Scottish Universities Debating Final 2 December 1980
Scottish Technical and Business Education Council 3 December 1980
Edinburgh Quartet—6 occasions From 11 October 1980 to 1 March 1981
Herman Millar Systems Conference and Exhibition 16–17 December 1980
COSLA 27 February 1981
Edinburgh District Council 26 March 1981
Scottish Tourist Board 1 May 1981

Mr. Gordon Wilson

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will show the security costs, on a monthly basis, which his Department has incurred at the former Scottish Assembly building since January 1979

Mr. Heseltine

The costs of security services at the former Scottish Assembly building are not readily available on the basis requested. However, it is estimated that during the period up to March 1981 average monthly costs were of the order of £4, 300 and following contract review have, since then, been of the order of £7, 000 per month.

Mr. Gordon Wilson

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment (1) what were the costs of installing security measures around the perimeter of the former Scottish Assembly building;

(2) if he will give the dates of installation for the various security measures around the perimeter of the former Scottish Assembly building; and when the guard tower was installed on the roof of the building.

Mr. Heseltine

Installation of the security measures around the perimeter of the former Scottish Assembly building was carried out during January and February 1979 at a cost of £2, 000. Additional security measures for the site and the actual buildings cost a further £8, 000. The guard tower on the roof of building No. 4 was installed in November 1979, at the request of the security agency employed for security duties at the site and following incidents of theft and vandalism.

Mr. Gordon Wilson

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment upon what date the Property Services Agency started planning conversion of the former Scottish Assembly building for use by the Crown Office; when the planning was completed; when alteration work started; when it was completed; if the alteration work interfered in any way with the debating chamber; and what was the estimated total cost of the work.

Mr. Heseltine

Planning of the proposed conversion of the former Scottish Assembly buildings for use by the Crown Office commenced in January 1981 following the Government's decision on the future use of the buildings. The decision of the House on 16 June 1981 that the Scottish Grand Committee should, as an experiment, hold some of their meetings in Edinburgh however necessitated some revision to the planning programme which was finally completed in September 1981. Conversion work to allow for occupation by the Crown Office commenced in October 1981 and was completed this month. Other minor works, relating to the total conversion scheme and including replacement of temporary fencing are proceeding and are due for completion by April 1982. The debating chamber itself was excluded from the conversion scheme although access and use has not been possible due to the other ongoing works in the main building. The total estimated cost of the scheme is £100, 000.