HL Deb 23 February 1982 vol 427 cc928-9WA
Baroness Burton of Coventry

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they have any statement to make on the aviation security fund.

Lord Trefgarne

My honourable friend the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Trade has decided to undertake a review during the next few months of the way aviation security is organised and financed in the United Kingdom. In particular, he will be considering:—

  1. (i) whether the present Aviation Security Fund system remains the best way to finance aviation security measures at United Kingdom airports; or whether the present arrangements should be adapted; or whether the fund should be wound up altogether, and airports and airlines simply left to bear their own security costs; and
  2. (ii) whether the present organisation of passenger searching and other security measures at United Kingdom airports, and the present allocation of responsibilities in these fields, can be improved.
I should make clear however that my honourable friend's review will not cover the present standards of security at United Kingdom airports.

Contributions to the review will be invited from all sides of the civil aviation industry. My honourable friend expects to announce the outcome in the summer.

If the noble Baroness or any noble Lord wishes to contribute to the review, my friend would be glad to hear from them by the end of March.