HC Deb 23 February 1982 vol 18 c369W
Sir David Price

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science how many civil servants were employed by his Department in May 1979; how many are employed in February 1982; and what has been the percentage change; in each case how many were first division civil servants; and what has been the percentage change in their numbers.

Sir Keith Joseph

As statistics are collected quarterly it is not possible to provide details of the numbers of staff employed at the dates specified. However, on 1 April 1979 the Department employed 2,675 civil servants, including 400 members of Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Schools: the number employed on 1 January 1982 was 2,477, including 395 Her Majesty's Inspectors, reflecting a 7.5 per cent. reduction overall. Although the term "first division civil servants" is not recognised Civil Service terminology, the numbers of staff, employed in the Department at principal and equivalent professional grade and above, but excluding Her Majesty's Inspectors, were 238 and 218 respectively, reflecting an 8.4 per cent. reduction.