HC Deb 22 February 1982 vol 18 c308W
Mr. Austin Mitchell

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will publish in the Official Report a table showing for 1960, 1970 and 1980 (i) the gross revenue from agricultural production and (iii) gross expenditure broken down by percentage into (a) labour, (b) bought in materials, (c) rent, including rent on owner-occupied land, (d) depreciation of fixed assets, (e) management and (f) trading surplus.

Mr. Peter Walker

Information is available on a comparable basis only for 1970 and 1980 and is set out in the following table.

Output, input and income for United Kingdom agriculture•
Calendar years
1970 1980
£ million Per cent. £ million Per cent.
Gross output* 2,475 8,995
Total inputs,
of which: 1,901 100 7,936 100
Bought in goods
and services 1,279 67 4,856 61
Depreciation† 194 10 1,119 14
hired 246 13 1,025 13
Family and
partners‡ 104 5 422 5
Interest** 49 3 455 6
Net rent†† 30 2 59 1
Farming income‡‡ 575 1,059
* The value of output of agricultural products including production grants and other sundry receipts.
† Depreciation on building and works, plant, machinery and vehicles.
‡Regular family workers together with directors and non-principal partners.
** On commercial debt for current farming purposes; i.e. excluding interest on land purchases.
‡ The rent paid on tenanted lard only less landlords' expenses and the benefit value of dwellings on that land. The net rent for all holdings including an imputed rent for owner occupied land was £99 million in 1970 and £152 million in 1980.
‡ The income of farmers and their spouses after providing; for depreciation and payment of interest and excluding stock appreciation. It is not possible to distinguish within this figure between the returns for own labour, managerial skills and capital invested.
•Figures may not add to totals shown because of roundings.