HC Deb 10 February 1982 vol 17 cc412-3W
Mr. Stan Thorne

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services (1) how many general practitioners during 1978–79, 1979–80 and 1980–81 returned to practice following superannuated retirement in (a) Liverpool and (b) Preston (i) who were over the age of 60 and under 65 years and (ii) who were over 65 years of age;

(2) how many general practitioners are still in practice over the age of 70 years within the area of Liverpool and Preston family practitioner committee;

(3) how many general practitioners are in contract with the Liverpool family practititioner committee and the Preston family practioner committee in the following age groups (a) between 60 and 64 years, (b) between 65 and 69 years and (c) 70 years and over.

Dr. Vaughan

The number of general practitioners in practice in the Lancashire and Liverpool family practitioner committee areas at 1 October 1980 aged 60 or over and their retirement status is as follows:

Age of unrestricted principals at 1 October 1980
60–64 years 65–69 years 70 years and over
No. Of whom retired and readmitted No. Of whom retired and readmitted between ages No. Of whom retired and readmitted between ages
60–64 65–69 60–64 65 and over
Liverpool FPC 29 4 27 2 16 13 1 12
Lancashire FPC 36 8 17 0 8 14 0 *14
(Of whom in Preston Medical Practices Committee area) (6) (3) (2) (0) (1) (0) (0) (0)

* Includes two principals for whom detailed information is not available.

Mr. Stan Thorne

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what information he has regarding general practitioners seeking retirement for superannuation purposes over the age of 60 years who have been refused readmission by their local health authority, family practitioner committee; and if he will publish this information in the Official Report.

Dr. Vaughan

This information is not available centrally.

Mr. Stan Thorne

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services whether general practitioners over the age of 70 years who are still practising are included in the number of doctors in an area for the purposes of determining the general practitioner needs of that area's population.

Dr. Vaughan

Yes, but with certain exceptions. Doctors aged 65 and over practising single handed with lists of 1,000 patients or less are not included. Those aged 65 and over with lists of 1,001 to 1,500 are counted as half. Additionally, the following categories of doctors are excluded, regardless of age: those in partnership who receive 24 per cent. or less of full basic practice allowance; those principals with a limited list; those providing only maternity medical services. Doctors of any age who receive between 25 per cent. and 74 per cent. of full basic practice allowance are counted as half.

Mr. Stan Thorne

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how many general practitioners are employed in practice in the areas covered by the Preston family practitioner committee and the Liverpool family practitioner committee; and what is the ratio to population.

Dr. Vaughan

The number of general practitioners in practice in the Lancashire and Liverpool FPC areas at 1 October 1980 and their ratio to population is as follows:

Lancashire Liverpool
Number of unrestricted principals for
whom the FPC is the responsible
committee 610 260
Home population per unrestricted
principal 2,240 1,975