HC Deb 22 December 1982 vol 34 c591W
Mr. Wigley

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what qualifying birthday date is used by his Department to determine which pensioners will receive the Christmas bonus; which pensioners, although of retiring age by 25 December, will not receive the bonus; and if he will ensure that all pensioners either male and 65 years old or female and 60 years old on 25 December, will receive the bonus.

Mr. Rossi

Entitlement to the bonus does not depend upon age as such but upon whether, in a specified week, a person is entitled to any of a number of qualifying benefits, which include retirement pension. This year, the specified week was that commencing 29 November. Any person who was not entitled to one of the qualifying benefits during that week is not entitled to the bonus. The Government have no plans to change the legislation relating to the payment of the Christmas bonus.

Estimated expenditure on certain social security benefits for Scotland and the percentage of the Scottish population in receipt of these benefits in November or December of each year (except where indicated otheriwise)
Benefit 1971–72 1972–73 1973–74 1974–75 1975–76 1976–77 1977–78 1978–79 1979–80 1980–81
Retirement pension
Expenditure (£ million) 188 206 250 318 424 508 586 680 788 935
Population (per cent.) 12.4 12.7 13.4 13.6 13.9 14.2 14.5 14.7 14.9 15.1
Sickness and invalidity
Expenditure (£ million) 47 54 59 90 122 147 176 170 236 263
Population* (per cent.) 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.5 2.6 2.6 2.6
Expenditure (£ million) 22 20 22 27 35 49 57 57 64 72