HC Deb 20 December 1982 vol 34 cc354-8W
Mr. Peter Bottomley

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will list all non-statutory bodies to which his Department has made grants for 1981–82 and 1982–83 showing the name of the organisation, the amount of grant and the powers under which the grant is made; and if he will give similar information for grant-aid by other statutory bodies for which his Department is responsible.

Mr. Newton

I understand that my hon. Friend is interested in grants to voluntary organisations. For information relating to grants by the Department to voluntary organisations in 1982/83, I refer to my reply to my hon. Friend the Member for Exeter (Mr. Hannam) on 9 December. [Vol. 33, c.588–93]. Comparable information for 1981–82 is as follows:—

Grants for 1981–82 under S64 of the Health Services and Public Health Act 1968—General Scheme (sub-head) IT 2(1)
Action on Smoking and Health 90,012
Advocacy Alliance 4,000
Age Concern 286,000
Alcohol Education Centre 65,814
Alcoholic Hostels 300,179
Alcoholic Recovery Project 4,000
Alcoholism Community Centres for Education Prevention and Treatment 38,225
Alzheimer's Disease Society 2,250
Aquarius Resource Centre 10,500
Apex Trust 24,343
Association Aide a Toute Detresse 24,400
Association for all Speech Impaired Children 10,000
Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus 30,000
Association of Breast feeding Mothers 1,500
Association of Residential Communities 8,000
Asthma Society 2,000
Back Pain Association 17,000
Bethnal Green Intermediate Education Centre 32,000
Birmingham Settlement 7,000
Blenheim Street Agency 7,600
Bobath Centre 32,000
Breakthrough Trust 75,000
Bristol Council for Voluntary Service 800
British Asociation for Adoption and Fostering 246,000
British Association for Counselling 1,200
British Association of the Hard of Hearing 18,600
British Association of Immediate Care 20,000
British Deaf Association 20,000
British Diabetic Association 1,500
British Epilepsy Association 22,000
British Institute of Mental Handicap 24,500
British Red Cross-Cosmetic Camouflage 1,260
British Retinitis Pigmentosa Society 4,500
Brook Advisory Centres 30,000
Calibre 7,000
Campaign for Single Homeless People 22,000
Campaign for the Mentally Handicapped 14,000
Care 12,500
Catholic Marriage Advisory Council 23,000
Centre for Policy on Ageing 44,800
Centre on Environmental for the Handicapped 19,500
Chest Heart and Stroke Association 5,000
Child Accident Prevention Trust 29,040
Child Poverty Action Group 900
Children's Legal Centre 10,500
Church of England Childrens Society 35,000
City Roads Crisis Intervention 66,500
Clock Tower Association 10,500
Coeliac Society 10,000

Coke Hole Trust 8,000
Combat Huntington's Chorea 15,000
Community Drugs Project 5,300
Community Service Volunteers 47,396
Contact 22,400
Contact a Family 3,000
Cope 78,950
Coronary Prevention Group 3,000
Council for the Advancement of Communication with Deaf People 10,000
Coventry Day Centre 5,000
Cranstoun Hostel 9,750
Crossroads Care Attendant Schemes Ltd. 25,000
Cruse 56,000
Cyrenians 66,400
Disability Alliance 5,000
Disabled Drivers Association 3,500
Disabled Living Foundation 242,000
Disablement Income Group 11,000
Downs Children's Association 4,500
Dr. Barnardo's 65,000
Elizabeth Fitzroy Trust 12,500
Employment Fellowship 38,000
European Dialysis and Transplant Association 10,000
Family Forum 22,749
Family Holiday Association 2,500
Family Planning Association 124,500
Family Rights Group 5,000
Family Service Units 128,000
Family Tree 8,750
Family Welfare Association 112,680
Federation of Alcoholic Rehabilitation Establishments 77,400
Fire Precautions (in voluntary residential homes) 138,428
Fluoridation Society 14,000
Gingerbread 48,000
Hampshire Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders 5,000
Handcrafts Advisory Association for the Disabled 9,300
Handicapped Adventure Playground Association 6,500
Headway Association 5,000
Holiday Care Service 5,000
Home Farm Trust 12,500
Home Start Consultancy 14,000
Horticultural Therapy 5,000
Hungerford Day Centre for Drug Addicts 12,700
Ileostomy Association of Great Britain 2,250
Institute for the Study of Drug Dependence 115,710
International Hospital Federation 35,000
International Social Service 27,500
International Voluntary Service 20,831
Invalid Children's Aid Association 44,000
Invalids At Home Trust 2,200
Joint Committee on Mobility for the Disabled 600
Kent Council on Alcoholism 900
L'Arche Ltd. 22,500
La Leche League of Great Britain 375
Leicester Council for Voluntary Service 14,000
Leonard Cheshire Foundation 20,000
Liverpool Alcoholism Services 18,000
London Voluntary Service Council 11,750
London Youth Advisory Council 4,400
Makaton Vocabulary Development Project 2,000
Mastectomy Association 6,000
Maternity Alliance 10,000
Medical Council on Alcoholism 64,600
Mencap 209,750
Mental After Care Association 50,000
Mental Health Film Council 3,200
Motability 300,060
Motor Neurone Disease Association 3,000
Muscular Dystrophy Group 20,000
National Ankylosing Spondylitis Society 2,500
National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders 92,310
National Association for the Childless 13,000
National Association for the Deaf/Blind, Rubella Handicapped 5,000

National Association for Maternal and Child Welfare 5,000
National Association for Mental Health 400,000
National Association for Patient Participation in General Practice 2,000
National Association for the Welfare of Children in Hospital 45,000
National Association of Leagues of Hospital Friends 11,750
National Association of Victims Support Schemes 7,350
National Association of Voluntary Hostels 4,100
National Association of Youth Clubs 33,467
National Childbirth Trust 15,000
National Childminding Association 25,000
National Children's Bureau 156,745
National Children's Home 7,500
National Council for One Parent Families 110,000
National Council for the Single Woman and Her Dependants 8,000
National Council of Voluntary Child Care Organisations 20,417
National Council for Voluntary Organisations 178,167
National Council on Alcoholism 252,000
National Eczema Society 9,250
National Elfrida Rathbone Society 11,000
National Federation of Kidney Patients 2,134
National Federation of the Blind of the United Kingdom 1,000
National Foster Care Association 63,450
National Library for the Blind 9,500
National Listening Library 16,000
National Marriage Guidance Council 20,000
National Playbus Association 14,500
National Schizophrenia Fellowship 76,000
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children 225,000
National Tape Magazine for the Blind 400
National Youth Bureau 52,000
Network for the Handicapped 1,000
Norfolk Childrens Projects 30,000
Norfolk Council on Alcoholism 25,000
Northern Regional Association for the Blind 38,478
One-to-One 9,000
Opus 4,500
Outset 14,250
Overseas Doctors Association 7,000
Parent to Parent Information on Adoption Services 2,250
Parents for Children 34,000
Partially Sighted Society 12,000
Peter Bedford Project 5,800
Physically Handicapped and Able Bodied 35,000
Plymouth Night Shelter 15,650
Possum Users Association 14,750
Pre-School Playgroups Association 300,000
Queen Elizabeth's Foundation for the Disabled 10,000
Rainer Foundation 65,375
Rape Counselling and Research Project 10,000
Richmond Fellowship 70,000
Royal Association for Disability and Rehabilitation 270,000
Royal National Institute for the Blind 355,000
Royal National Institute for the Deaf 14,000
Royal School for the Blind 114,000
Salvation Army 2,573
Samaritans 80,000
Save the Children Fund 269,625
Sexual and Personal Relationships of the Disabled 30,000
Shaftesbury Homes and Arethusa Sailing Barge 25,000
Shape 5,750
Sheffield Family Service Units 14,000
Short Stay Young Homeless Limited 3,000
Social Work Training Grants 65,375
Society of St.Dismas 6,980
Southern and Western Regional Association for the Blind 53,312
Spastics Society 141,738
Spinal Injuries Association 15,000
Standing Conference on Drug Abuse 53,800
St. Albans Diocesan Council for Social Responsibility 14,725

St. John Ambulance 36,000
Stonham Housing Association 10,000
Sue Ryder Foundation 2,000
Talking Newspapers Association of the United Kingdom 750
The Patients Association 5,000
Toy Libraries Association 41,000
Turning Point 68,000
Venture 12 Project 19,992
Voluntary Council for Handicapped Children 22,000
Voluntary Organisations Liaison Committee for Under Fives 5,400
Volunteer Centre 13,660
Westminster Pastoral Foundation 60,000
Widows Advisory Trust 11,000
Winged Fellowship Trust 6,300
Womens Aid Federation (England) 96,000
Womens Health Concern 3,000
Womens National Cancer Control Campaign 67,900
Miscellaneous 25,930

Grants paid to registered voluntary children's homes (subhead H1(1)(a))
Voluntary Organisation £
Talbot House Management Committee 40,000.00
Royal Caledonian Schools 20,000.00O
Ockenden Venture 15,800.00
Total 75,800.00

Grants paid to assisted community homes (Subhead H1(1)(b))
Voluntary Organisation £
Bamardo's 383,950.49
The Salvation Army 222,043.80
The Children's Society 73,092.63
Catholic Child Welfare Society (Diocese of Middlesbrough) 53,619.17
Birmingham Diocesan Rescue Society (Father Hudson's Homes) 39,864.60
The St. Albans Diocesan Council for Social Work 14,000.00
The Hexham and Newcastle Diocesan Rescue Society 6,260.00
Total 792,830.69

Grants for Social Work Training (Sub Head H5) 1981–82
National Institute for Social Work 195,250
National Children's Home 7,750*
VORTEX 7,889
Family Planning Association 7,183
Volunteer Centre 1,609
Total 219,681

Note: Amount paid in 1981–82. A further £23,259 initially approved for 1981–82 was paid in 1982–83.

Grants to voluntary organisations under Schedule Five of the Supplementary Benefits Act 1976 (as amended) (sub-head B3 (552))
Voluntary Organisations Amount Approved 1981/82 £
1. Aberdeen Cyrenians 3,900
2. Birmingham, Committee for Night Shelter 6,100
3. Birmingham, St Anne's 5,000
4. Birmingham, St Basil's 6,000
5. Brighton, YMCA 4,400

Voluntary Organisations Amount Approved 1981/82 £
6. Cambridge Cyrenians 1,100
7. Cardiff Cyrenians 3,300
8. Coventry Cyrenians 4,400
9. Edinburgh, People's Palace 5,500
10. Exeter Shilhay 4,400
11. Glasgow, Kirkhaven 2,800
12. Guildford Cyrenians 2,200
13. Leeds Cyrenians 1,100
14. Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral Crypt 3,300
15. London, Bondway 12,100
16. London, Centrepoint 7,700
17. London, Theatre Girls' Club 7,700
18. Lowestoft Night Shelter 3,300
19. Manchester Night Shelter 7,700
20. Norwich Night Shelter 5,500
21. Nottingham, Help the Homeless 3,600
22. Oxford Cyrenians 6,600
23. Plymouth Night Shelter 3,300
24. Portsmouth, Harbour Community 1,500
25. Portsmouth, St Petroc's Community Trust 3,900
26. Preston, Homeless in 3,300
27. Sheffield, Joint Standing Committee 5,500
8. Stockton Churches Mission to the Single Homeless 4,400
29. Stoke, Potteries Housing Association 3,900
30. Swansea, SASH 3,900
31. Swindon Cyrenians 2,800
32. Taunton Association for the Homeless 4,400
33. Tyneside Cyrenians 4,400
34. Wolverhampton overnight Shelter Group 4,800
35. Worcester, St Paul's 3,300

Grant to the Kings Fund Centre year ending 31 December 1981 (sub-head K2(2)) 268,000
Intermediate Treatment Fund: grant in aid (sub-head K5) 307,000

The Department also provided £2,949,000 for the year ending 31 December 1981 to help families with very severely disabled children (sub-head K3). This is disbursed through the family fund, which is administered by the Joseph Rowntree Memorial Trust.

The Health Education Council (sub-head E5) gave grants to voluntary organisations totalling £43,358 in 1981–82. For details, and for information about grants in 1982–83 I refer the hon. Member to the council.

The powers relating to the sub-heads indicated are as follows:

Power Sub-heads
Section 64 of the Health Services and Public Health H1(a)
Act 1968 K2(1)
Section 63 of the Health Services and Public Health Act 1968 H5
Section 82 of the Child Care Act 1980 H1(b)
Schedule 5 of the Supplementary Benefits Act 1976 (as amended) B(3)552
Annual Appropriation Acts K3
* New sub-head in 1982–83.

Health authorities have powers under section 64 of the Health Services and Public Health Act 1968 to make grants to voluntary organisations. Information about their use of these powers is not collected centrally.