HC Deb 17 December 1982 vol 34 cc273-4W
Mr. Nicholas Winterton

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what subsidies are paid to those engaged in agriculture in other EEC countries by their own Governments.

Mr. Buchanan-Smith

The Commission is responsible for compiling data on such aids and for monitoring them

Percentage by which European Community entry pricess exceeds minimum offer price* as at 1 December
1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982
Common wheat 106 91 61 35 49 68
Barley 97 139 56 21 54 83
Maize 88 109 86 49 88 83
White sugar 164 217 75 †— 87 149
Beef and veal 103 112 89 96 99 116
Pigmeat 55 57 37 36 25 40
Butter 269 308 341 156 65 64
Skimmed milk powder 378 370 212 80 70 80
* European Community entry prices as at 1 December for each year are defined as follows: Common wheat, barley; maize, butter, skimmed milk

with a view to ensuring that they are compatible with the Community's rules. It would not be sensible for member States to duplicate this work, but the Government seek to identify aids in other member States which are incompatible with the Community's State aid rules and detrimental to British interests. Such cases are referred to the Commission, provided there is sufficient evidence to justify a complaint.