HC Deb 10 December 1982 vol 33 c635W
Mr. Chris Patten

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services (1) what would be the cost in 1982–83 of extending the long-term supplementary benefit rate to long-term unemployed supplementary benefit claimants with children; and what is his latest estimate of the cost of extending it to all long-term unemployed supplementary benefit claimants;

(2) what would be the net cost in (a) a full year and (b) the 1983–84 financial year of extending the long-term supplemenatry benefit rate to (i) all long-term unemployed supplementary benefit claimants and (ii) long-term unemployed supplementary benefit claimants with children in November 1983.

Mr. Newton

Unemployed men aged 60 and over already receive the long-term scale rate after they have been in receipt of supplementary benefit at the ordinary rate for one year. If this provision were extended to all unemployed claimants, the estimated additional costs in a full year, at November 1982 benefit rates, would be £325 million. If the extension were restricted to unemployed claimants with dependent children, the cost would be £150 million. If the provision were introduced in November 1983, the estimated additional costs in 1983–84 would be £145 million and £70 million respectively.