HL Deb 02 December 1982 vol 436 c1392WA
Lord Gardiner

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether it is true that, as stated in The Times of 5th October 1982, hypnosis has been used by the police in Britain since 1957 and, if so, how often and whether the defence has been informed of its use.

Lord Elton

No central records are kept of the use of hypnosis by the police in Great Britain. Although we are aware of the growing interest of the police service in the use of hypnosis, I have no reason to suppose that it has been used in other than a small number of isolated cases involving very serious crimes, and then in the main, as an aid to investigation. My right honourable friend the Home Secretary is now considering the issue of guidance to the police on this matter. The Home Office will be consulting chief officers of police and professional bodies on the terms of such guidance, which will draw attention to the limitations of the forensic use of hypnosis, suggest firm safeguards for its use, and deal with the question of advance notification to the defence of any evidence to be tendered in court which has been gained by hypnosis.

Lord Gardiner

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether it is true that, as stated in The Times of 5th October 1982, the Home Office has set up a police hypnosis unit to refresh the memory of witnesses and victims of violent crimes and, if so, when the unit was set up, and what are itsterms of reference.

Lord Elton

The Home Office has no such unit.