§ Mr. Christopher Priceasked the Secretary of State for Education and Science (1) which individuals and others have received support from the microelectronics education project; what was the scale of that support for the financial years 1980–81 and 1981–82; and to whom commitments have been made for 1982–83;
(2) if he will list in the Official Report those projects that have received support from the microelectronics education project with an indication of the scale of that support for the financial years (a) 1980–81, (b) 1981–82 and (c) those to whom commitments have been made for 1982–83.
GP Trainees GP Trainers Region* Male Female Total Male Female Total North 30 1 31 33 1 34 North-East 17 16 33 37 0 37 East † † 37 36 1 37 South-East 46 27 73 73 1 74 West 79 35 114 117 7 124 Total † † 288 296 10 ‡306 * The 'regions' comprise the following Health Board areas: North: Highland, Western Isles. North-East: Grampian, Orkney, Shetland. East: Tayside, Fife (part). South-East: Lothian, Fife (part), Borders. West: Greater Glasgow, Lanark, Ayr and Arran, Argyll and Clyde, Forth Valley, Dumfries and Galloway. † Not available. ‡Not all approved trainers had trainees in post at 30 September 1981.