§ Mr. D. E. Thomasasked the Secretary of State for Industry how many grants have been made under the microprocessor application project scheme for each year since its inception; and if he will give a regional breakdown of the location of those firms assisted for every year since its inception.
§ Mr. ButcherThe figures for offers of grants for feasibility studies and development projects under the microprocessor application project (MAP) are as follows:
1978–79 1979–80 1980–81 1981–82 England North-East 19 49 47 41 North-West 40 150 113 108 Yorkshire and Humberside 37 114 106 124 West Midlands 37 127 98 97 East Midlands 24 92 68 80 South-West 32 79 58 77 South-East 231 488 387 370 Wales 15 20 17 27 Scotland 8 53 67 71 Northern Ireland* 0 29 18 26 TOTAL 443 1,201 979 1,021 * Feasibility study grants only. It is up to companies to put forward projects for support. However, MAP also includes a range of activities designed to increase industrial awareness of microelectronic applications and the Government assistance available, especially in regions where take up appears to be low.