HC Deb 19 April 1982 vol 22 c26W
Mr. Austin Mitchell

asked the Secretary of State for Industry whether he will bring up to date the information on the steel industry given in the replies of 4 February 1980, Official Report, c. 15–16, to the hon. Member for Grimsby.

Mr. Norman Lamont

[pursuant to his answer, 8 April 1982, c. 477–78]: Information as is available to answer the other question is as follows:

Crude Steel Produced per Process Worker*
Tonnes †1978 1979 1980 1981
USA 333 325 306 330
Japan‡ 466 541 563 523
West Germany 273 306 296 297
Italy 316 311 330 313
France 259 292 323 338
United Kingdom 176 195 **124 ††250
Belgium 321 337 319 337
Spain 180 197 na na
Australia 254 261 233 na
Luxembourg 375 377 374 369



* Including workers in auxiliary departments and services

† The definition of process workers used in the reply given in 1980 has since been changed in the OECD statistics. The table gives the revised 1978 figures.

‡Including apprentices.

** Production was reduced as a result of the steel strike.

†† Estimated.