HC Deb 23 October 1981 vol 10 c214W

Mr. Cryer asked the Secretary of State for Employment if he will list the members of the advisory committee to the Health and Safety Executive on first aid matters, together with their occupations, remuneration, functions, and tenure of office; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Waddington:

The members of the sub-committee of the Health and Safety Commission's medical advisory committee, which has been established to advise the Health and Safety Executive on first aid training, are listed below:

  • Mrs. Dorothy Radwanski (Chairman)—Chief Employment Nursing Adviser, Health and Safety Executive.
  • Dr. P. A. B. Raffle—Chief Medical Officer, St. John Ambulance Association.
  • Dr. H. R. F. MacDonald—Chairman of Council, St. Andrew's Ambulance Association.
  • Miss. M. E. Baker—Director of Training, British Red Cross Society.
  • Mrs. Dorothy D'Ardenne—Senior Nursing Officer, Esso.
  • Dr. C. White—Chief Medical Officer, Cadbury Schweppes Ltd.
  • Dr. P. Elliott—Medical Director, Harlow Industrial Health Service.
  • Mrs. J. Reynolds—Assistant Director (Training), Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents.
  • Mr. J. Tye—Director General, British Safety Council.
  • Mr. P. S. London—Consultant Surgeon, Birmingham Accident Hospital.

Representatives of the Confederation of British Industry, the Trades Union Congress and ambulance services have yet to be nominated.

No remuneration is provided by HSE, apart from travelling and subsistence expenses not covered by a member's employer. Appointments are made to the sub-committee for a period of three years. The functions of the sub-committee are: to consider and advise on application from organisations and individual employers seeking approval for their training and qualifications in first aid or occupational first aid; to review training being carried out by organisations and individual employers whose training and qualifications have been approved; to advise on standards in regard to the qualifications of first aiders, occupational first aiders and lay first aid instructors.

At a later stage the sub-committee might consider and advise on developments in first aid equipment and training syllabi.