HC Deb 19 October 1981 vol 10 c68W
Mr. Ralph Howell

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will publish a table similar to Table 10 of the Supplementary Benefits Commission's annual report for 1975, but for the years 1948, 1956, 1964, 1972 and 1980, showing supplementary benefit levels, including the appropriate rent addition, as percentages of net incomes at two-thirds average male manual earnings, with net incomes defined as gross earnings plus family allowance or child benefit, family income supplement and housing rebates, less income tax, national insurance contribution and the same rent and rates as those paid by the supplementary benefit recipients.

Mrs. Chalker

[pursuant to her reply, 7 July 1981, c. 105–6 ]: The corrected information is as follows:

Date (1) Supplementary Benefit level (£) (2) Net income from ⅔ average earning* (3) Col. 1 as a percentage of Col. (2)
Single Householder
October 1972 9.28 18.54 50 †(53)
November 1980 30.86 56.03 55 (66)
Married Couple
October 1972 13.97 19.58 71 (74)
November 1980 45.22 63.45 71 (85)
Married Couple with 2 Children under 5
October 1972 17.86 23.49 76 (79)
November 1980 63.52 76.56 83 (95)
Married Couple with 4 Children (2 under 5, 2 aged 5–10)
October 1972 22.36 27.87 80 (82)
November 1980 84.38 89.87 94 (104)
Notes*Based on estimates of gross earnings determined as follows: October 1972—by interpolation of the Department of Employment's October enquiry (older series) seasonally adjusted.November 1980—by extrapolation of Department of Employment's October enquiry using the average earnings index (new series) of production industries, seasonally adjusted.†Figures in brackets show the effect of applying the long-term rate.
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