HC Deb 26 November 1981 vol 13 c467W
Mr. Maxwell-Hyslop

asked the Secretary of State for Transport since what date the approach to, and first section of, the M4 from London has been closed at night; how long this condition will continue before it is open 24 hours per day again; and whether, in view of the inconvenience and extra mileage caused to motorists by this nightly closure, he will take urgent steps to ensure that it is reopened.

Mr. Kenneth Clarke

Night time closures of the M4 began on 4 August 1980, mainly to permit strengthening of the parapets. Before that contract was finished, work was started on replacement of the obsolete and inadequate traffic control and communication systems. That work will continue for about another six months.

Acceleration of this timetable could be achieved only by extending closures into the periods of heavier traffic flow, and I have ruled that out as it would result in even greater inconvenience to motorists.