HC Deb 26 November 1981 vol 13 c453W
Mr. Latham

asked the Lord Privy Seal whether any of Her Majesty's ambassadors in Middle Eastern countries have made any public statements in the last two months which expressed the view that the Camp David peace process is coming to an end shortly; and whether such statements represent his policy towards the Camp David agreement.

Mr. Hurd

Her Majesty's Ambassadors in Beirut and Jedda have recently given interviews in which, in response to questions, they suggested that something may be needed beyond the Camp David process to secure further progress towards a comprehensive Middle East peace. We fully support the Egypt-Israel peace treaty, which was an historic achievement resulting directly from Camp David. If the autonomy talks that also resulted from the Camp David process could lead to agreement on a transitional phase on the path to Palestinian self-determination acceptable to the Palestinians themselves, this could be a further valuable step towards a comprehensive peace. However, it is hard to see how such agreement is possible without the participation of representatives of the Palestinians, for which indeed the Camp David agreements provide.