§ Mr. Arthur Lewisasked the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) whether the 4 per cent. level for salary and wage increases as operated for public servants is expected to be applicable to the British Broadcasting Corporation and all of its employees, full and part-time;
(2) whether he will ensure that any change so be made in the charge for television licences will not exceed the Government's 4 per cent. norm for public service salary and wage increases.
§ Mr. MayhewIn deciding increases in the television licence fee, and for what period fees should be established, my right hon. Friend has regard to the needs of the BBC and to what is fair to licence fee payers. Under the BBC's charter and licence and agreement it is for the BBC's governors to decide how to allocate the resources available from the licence fee revenue. The BBC is responsible for determining pay agreements with its staff, and it is not a matter in which the Government intervene. The BBC is aware that, like other organisations, it needs to pay particular attention to containing increases in costs, especially labour costs.
§ Mr. Arthur Lewisasked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what discussions have taken place between his Department and the British Broadcasting Corporation regarding an increase in the cost of the television licence; and whether, before agreeing to any alteration in the present cost, he will ensure that the British Broadcasting Corporation makes full details of its costs and charges available to the public in general and to hon. Members in particular.
§ Mr. MayhewThere have been discussions both at official level and between the chairman of the board of governors and my right hon. Friend about the BBC's application for an increase in the television licence fees. The BBC already gives information about its expenditure in its annual report and accounts which are laid before Parliament and also in its booklet "BBC TV: Facts and Figures 1981".