HL Deb 12 November 1981 vol 425 c394WA
Lord Jenkins of Putney

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will list the cultural and other exchanges with the Soviet Union referred to in the Foreign Secretary's reply of 27th October.

Lord Carrington

The cultural and other exchanges are set out in the agreement. Since it was signed, the following events have taken place under the agreement:

  1. (i) 18 British English-language assistants are teaching in Soviet universities. 10 Soviet Russian-language assistants are in British universities;
  2. (ii) 30 British undergraduate and postgraduate students are currently studying in Soviet universities. 31 Soviet postgraduates are studying in British universities;
  3. (iii)In addition, 169 British undergraduates, student teachers, and teachers of Russian have taken or are taking Russian-language courses in the Soviet Union. 155 Soviet students, student teachers and teachers have taken or are taking English-language courses in Britain;
  4. (iv) 12 visits by youth groups to the USSR have taken place with grants from the British Council;
  5. (v) 6 British academics and specialists have made short visits to the Soviet Union under British Council auspices; in addition a small number of travel grants have been made;
  6. (vi) An Anglo-Soviet seminar on mathematics education was held in Oxford in September;
  7. (vii) An exhibition of "Soviet Reference Books and Dictionaries" has been shown in Oxford and Manchester. An exhibition of British books on the Performing Arts is touring the Soviet Union. British Publishers participated in the Moscow International Book Fair in September at which there was also a British Council book-stand. Some of the books from this will be shown in other Soviet cities;
  8. (viii) A British exhibition on "The Age of Shakespeare" opens in Moscow this month.