§ Mr. Freudasked the Secretary of State for Social Services whether he will list in the Official Report (a) the tax-free income, (b) the supplementary benefit level and (c) the family income supplement level for a married couple with two children under 11 years of age for November 1981 and for November in each of the last five years.
§ Mrs. Chalker[pursuant to her reply, 6 May 1981, c. 77]: The levels of tax-free income, supplementary benefit and family income supplement for particular families would depend on the individual circumstances of those families. I have, however, set out below some information about allowances and benefits in November of each year, for which a married couple with two children under age 11 might qualify.
(a) The figures in the following table relate to the amounts of tax-free income available from the married man's tax allowance, child tax allowance up to and including November 1978, and child benefit from its introduction in 1977.
Amount (£) of tax-free income on a weekly basis for a married couple with two children under age 11 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 31.40 37.52 39.37 42.90 50.75 51.75 (b) The amount of supplementary benefit payable to a family not in full-time work is the amount by which their net income falls short of their requirements. Requirements are calculated by adding together the appropriate scale rates, plus sums for rent and rates and any special addition needed because of special circumstances. The amounts given below do not take 334W account of rent or rates. For 1979, 1980 and 1981, a heating addition has been included on the assumptions that the claimant is a householder and that one child is under five years of age. No account has been taken of income, such as child benefit, which would reduce the amount of benefit payable.
Amounts (£) of supplementary benefit requirements (excluding rent and rates) for a married couple with two children aged 4 and 6 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 28.60 32.60 34.95 42.10 50.60 55.20 (c) The amount of FIS awarded to a family in full-time work is calculated by reference to the prescribed amount appropriate to the number of children in the family and to the family's gross income, excluding certain items, notably child benefit. The amount of FIS payable is half the amount by which the gross income falls short of the appropriate prescribed amount. Awards vary widely. Although no separate allowances for rent and rates are made in the FIS calculation, recipients who are householders may qualify for rent and/or rates rebates.
Weekly FIS prescribed amounts (£)for a married couple with two children 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 43.50 47.80 50.00 60.50 74.00 82.00