HC Deb 27 March 1981 vol 1 cc457-60W
Mr. John Garrett

asked the Minister for the Civil Service when she now expects to give a substantive answer to the question of the hon. Member for Norwich, South of 27 February on the savings from departmental reviews carried out under the guidance of Sir Derek Rayner.

Mr. Hayhoe

I have given the hon. Member a substantive answer today.

Mr. John Garrett

asked the Minister for the Civil Service if he will list in the Official Report the savings made by each of the departmental reviews carried out under the guidance of Sir Derek Rayner.

Department Subject Estimated eventual annual rate of recurrent savings £ million Estimated total once-and-all-for-all savings £ million
HM Customs and Excise London and South-East Collections 1
Distillery and warehouse controls up to 1.2
Department of Employment (including Manpower Services Commission) Peaking of work and use of part-time staff in Unemployment Benefit Offices 0.2
Part-time local benefit and small Unemployment Benefit Offices 0.07
Skillcentre network 5.1 20
Training allowances 3.5
Department of Energy Economic and statistical advice and services 0.2
Department of the Environment (including Property Service Agency) Maintenance of the Government Estate in the Bath area 0.24 6.1
Financial control of the water industry 0.03
Requirement for a works transport fleet 0.25
Regional organisation (jointly with the Department of Transport) 0.5
Department of Health and Social Security Health care exports 0.07
Department of Industry Statistical Services (jointly with the Department of Trade) 0.9
Regional Development Grant Scheme 0.5
Department of National Savings Correspondence handling 0.26
Department of Trade (see also Department of Industry) Services to exporters 6.5
Foreign and Commonwealth Office Merger with the Ministry of Overseas Development 0.43
Transport for Diplomatic Service posts overseas 0.21
Home Office Radio Regulatory Department 0.9
Inland Revenue PAYE movements procedures 2
Annual issue of PAYE deduction cards 1.4
Accounts registers in tax districts 1.25
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Administration of Farm Capital Grants 2.9
Ministry of Defence Food procurement for the Armed Forces 0.25 3.05
Northern Ireland Office Rate collection 1.4
Scottish Office Consultative Committee on the Curriculum 0.09

Mr. Hayhoe

[pursuant to his reply, 4 March 1981, c. 135]: Following are Departments' latest internal estimates of savings which have been made or will be made by 1 April 1984 as a result of decisions already taken on scrutinies which they have carried out in association with Sir Derek Rayner. The figures should not be taken too precisely. They are prepared as a guide to management on progress. Decisions on at least as many scruntinies again have still to be taken, further work has to done and it is not always easy to disentangle the savings from scruntinies from the other work in the same field. Progress on the scruntinies generally is monitored at approximately six-monthly intervals.

Department Subject Estimated eventual annual rate of recurrent savings £ million Estimated total once-and-all-for-all savings £ million
HM Treasury Paper handling and registry systems 0.1
Welsh Office Control over highway authorities 0.12 0.01
Control over local education authority building 0.08
Processing National Health Service building projects 0.09
Savings are also being made as a result of reviews by departments conducted as part of the review of Government Statistical Services. The Government will be reporting on this review shortly.