HC Deb 19 March 1981 vol 1 c189W
Mr. Trotter

asked the Secretary of State for Defence why his Department specifies that unaccompanied baggage in excess of entitlement is charged at a rate per cubic metre of £91.18 when carried to Hong Kong but £102.70 per cubic metre when carried to Cyprus.

Item and CCT No. Common Levy* MCA† Total Import Levy
Common Wheat (10.01 A) 33.777 l.53 15.283 0.69 49.060 2.22
Barley (10.03) 18.664 0.85 13.597 0.62 32.261 1.47
Maize (10.05B) 32.629 1.48 13.597 0.62 46.226 2.10
White Sugar (17.01 A) 11.904 0.54 40.270 1.83 52.174 2.37
Butter 82.84 per cent, fat content (04.03A)‡ 962.304 43.69 254.360 11.55 1216–664 55.24
Cheddar Cheese (04.04 EIb 1bb) 947.052 43.00 196.460 8.92 1143–512 51.92
Skimmed Milk Powder (04.02 AIIb 1) 313.541 14.23 105.990 4.81 419.531 19.04
Boneless Frozen Meat (02.01 AIIb4bb33) 1011–110 45.90 239.950 10.89 1251–060 56.79
Lard (15.01AII) 54.524 2.48 34.560 1.57 89.084 4.05
Pigmeat Carcasses║(02.01 AIIIa1) 170.428 7.74 107.990 4.90 278.418 12.64
Salted Bacon Sides (02.06BIa2aa) 218.150 9.90 138.230 6.28 356.380 16.18
Eggs (04.05AIB)¶ 174.732 7.93 34.720 1.58 209.452 9.51
Poultrymeat 70 per cent. Chickens (02.02 AIb) # 122.121 5.54 29.760 1.35 151.881 6.89
* Conversion from European Currency Units into Sterling has been made using the representative rate 1 ECU=£0.618655, and multiplying the resultant figure by the current Monetary Coefficient of 0.859.
† Currently, Monetary Compensatory Amounts (MCAs) act as a levy on imports.
‡ There is a special rate for New Zealand butter.
║ Does not include a supplementary levy which at present applies only to imports from the German Democratic Republic.
¶ Includes a supplementary levy applicable to imports from certain countries of origin. Regulations provide for supplementary levies to operate in this sector when average free-at-frontier offer prices fall below the sluice gate price.
# Does not include a supplementary levy which at present applies only to imports from Spain.