HC Deb 19 June 1981 vol 6 c461W
Mr. Heddle

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services whether regional and area health authorities in England abide by section 3(i) of the National Joint Consultative Committee code of prodedure for selective tendering in which are laid down recommended numbers for varying sizes of contract; and if he will make a statement.

Sir George Young

Health authorities exercise delegated powers in the management of building schemes and the letting of building contracts. They are expected to secure value for money by using selective tenderings as recommended by the 1964 Banwell report. They are aware of the National Joint Consultative Committee code of procedure for selective tendering and in general follow its recommendations. The Department advised authorities in 1969 that tenders should be invited from a selected list of six contractors.

If my hon. Friend has a special matter which he wishes to draw to my attention, perhaps he would write to me.