HC Deb 01 June 1981 vol 5 c227W

The role of the European Council is mainly to give such general policy guidelines as will facilitate solutions to the problems facing the Community.

Consequently, the preparation of a specific plan of priorities for Community action should not be a task for the European Council. The preparation of any such master plan should rather be a task for the Council in accordance with institutional procedures.

Meetings of the European Council must continue to be flexible and pragmatic, as at present.

While confirming that attendance at its meetings is strictly limited, the European Council reserves the right to decide, as has already happened, under special circumstances, and following a proposal from its President, that one or more non-members of the European Council shall attend.

At his own instigation and in agreement with his colleagues, the President-in-Office of the European Council may, at an appropriate juncture, in special cases, ask another Member of the European Council to take on a particular dossier.

Preparation of meetings of the European Council and implementation of its conclusions are matters for the Council and the Permanent Representatives Committee, where Community topics are concerned.