HC Deb 31 July 1981 vol 9 cc565-6W
Mr. Peter Robinson

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland (1) what was the total number and total cost of university scholarships in each education board area in 1980; and how these awards are calculated;

(2) what was the total number and the total cost of further education scholarships in each education board area in 1980; and how these awards are calculated.

Mr. John Patten

The total number of awards made by education and library boards and held at 31 December 1980 and the total net cost of awards in the financial year ended 31 March 1981 are as follows:

Board University Scholarships Further Education Scholarships
Belfast Number 2,372 1,081
£ million 4.2 2.0
Western Number 1,256 1,000
£ million 2.6 2.0
North-Eastern Number 1,924 1,136
£ million 3.9 2.0
South-Eastern Number 2,015 963
£ million 3.7 1.6
Southern Number 1,534 1,288
£ million 3.1 2.3
Total Number 9,101 5,468
£ million 17.5 9.9

The awards consist of full fees and maintenance grant, means-tested against the residual income of the student and of either the parents or the spouse. If the student is independent—that is, he is aged 25 or over or has been self-supporting out of personal earnings for at least three years before the course—the parental means test does not apply.

There are two rates of maintenance grant—a lower rate for students living at the parental home and a higher rate for students living in college halls or lodgings. Additional grant is available for dependants, students aged 26 or over and disabled students and for travelling expenses, extra weeks of attendance and special equipment.

The amount of university awards is calculated under the Students Awards Regulations. Discretionary awards for further education courses are calculated in the same way and their values are identical.