HC Deb 31 July 1981 vol 9 cc632-7W
Mr. Austin Mitchell

asked the Secretary of State for Trade (1) whether he will publish a table in the Official Report showing the terms of trade and relative volume in each year since 1970 and in 1981 to date for the headings covered by C13 and C14 of the March 1981 issue of the monthly review of external trade statistics;

(2) whether he will publish in the Official Report a table showing the terms of trade and relative volume for each of divisions 71–9 of the standard industrial trade classification for the years 1970 to 1980.

Mr. Parkinson

The information available is as follows:

Terms of Trade*

(not seasonally adjusted

1975=100 OTS BASIS
Machinery and Transport Equipment Miscellaneous Manufactures
Total Total excluding Ships, NSI and Aircraft Machinery Total Clothing and Footwear Scientific Instruments and Photographic Apparatus
Total Mechanical Electrical Road Vehicles
SITC(R2) 7 7Less SNA 71–77 71–74 Less 716 716, 75–77 78 8 84+85 87+88
1970 97 97 96 95 101 106 110 119 100
1971 100 100 98 94 106 109 109 120 100
1972 101 101 102 99 107 99 110 109 104
1973 95 94 94 94 94 95 105 100 106
1974 98 98 99 96 103 96 96 100 93
1975 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
1976 97 96 96 97 94 97 96 88 97
1977 102 101 102 102 100 98 100 93 99
1978 106 105 108 109 106 93 100 97 97
1979 113 113 117 115 119 99 102 98 98
1980 119 120 127 121 131 102 110 103 111
1981 January 122 125 132 126 136 107 117 107 114
1981 February 122 125 131 126 136 108 115 107 113
* Export unit value index as a percentage of the Import Unit Value Index.

Terms of Trade* (not seasonally adjusted)
1975=100 OTS BASIS
Consumer Goods Intermediate Goods Capital Goods
Total Machinery Passenger Motor Cars Miscellaneous Total Machinery Miscellaneous Total Machinery Miscellaneous
SITC(R2) 7+8 Less SNA PT 71–77 PT 781 8 PT 7+8 Less SNA PT 71–77 PT 8 Pt 7+8 Less SNA PT 71–77 PT 8 PT
1970 114 101 109 120 98 99 88 93 94 91
1971 114 94 111 118 105 106 90 93 93 89
1972 111 102 101 117 104 107 89 98 97 95
1973 102 82 97 110 93 94 86 97 96 102
1974 98 94 101 98 98 101 88 98 98 96
1975 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
1976 94 103 90 93 95 92 100 99 98 102
1977 101 110 100 98 97 99 97 105 103 105
1978 102 110 103 99 101 109 97 108 106 102
1979 105 117 102 103 115 123 98 112 111 103
1980 113 132 106 110 124 136 105 117 117 110
1981 January 120 134 112 119 131 143 106 120 120 111
1981 February 118 133 115 115 130 140 110 121 121 111
* Export unit value index as a percentage of the Import Unit Value Index.

Relative Volume (Seasonally Adjusted)*
OTS Basis
Machinery and Transport Equipment Miscellaneous Manufactures
Total Total Excl. Ships NSI and Aircraft Total Machinery Mechanical Electrical Road Vehicles Total Clothing and Footwear Scientiic Instruments and Photographic Apparatus
SITC(R2) 7 7 Less SNA 71–77 71–74 Less 716 716 75–77 78 8 84+85 87+88
1970 137 133 119 120 114 217 131 179 127
1971 132 130 124 126 116 155 122 134 126
1972 101 95 96 100 90 90 107 129 121
1973 89 84 84 88 81 86 93 109 108
1974 92 86 82 88 78 104 101 109 109
1975 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
1976 94 92 96 96 98 82 106 129 100
1977 85 82 88 90 90 65 111 155 97
1978 73 71 77 76 81 57 99 134 91
1979 61 57 64 66 64 40 85 115 86
1980 63 61 66 72 63 47 84 117 83
1981 January 72 67 68 82 61 64 92 135 91
February 59 53 59 67 56 36 80 110 89
* Export Volume Index as a percentage of the Import Volume Index.

Relative Volume (Seasonally Adjusted)*


OTS Basis
Consumer Goods Intermediate Goods Capital Goods
Total Machinery Passenger Motor Cars Miscellaneous Total Machinery Miscellaneous Total Machinery Miscellaneous
SITS (R2) 7+8 Less SNA PT 71–77 PT 781 8PT 7+8 Less SNA PT 71–77 PT 8 PT 7+8 Less SNA PT 71–77 PT 8 PT
1970 197 226 358 138 109 106 105 120 117 128
1971 155 178 197 123 111 108 103 130 130 130
1972 109 104 101 105 98 95 106 96 96 118
1973 89 77 88 91 89 85 102 86 88 97
1974 103 84 120 101 88 84 96 81 81 101
1975 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
1976 104 112 85 113 93 96 89 95 94 100
1977 97 92 61 120 85 86 90 90 91 103
1978 88 93 55 107 78 78 78 72 74 91
1979 65 58 33 90 67 68 69 61 61 87
1980 67 57 39 87 71 72 74 61 62 87
1981 January 76 51 48 98 75 75 71 70 66 100
February 36 39 21 81 63 65 71 60 58 95
* Export Volume Index as a percentage of the Import Volume Index.

Terms of Trade and Relative Volume
Terms of Trade* (not seasonally adjusted) Relative Volume† (seasonally adjusted)
Office machines and ADP equipment Telecom and sound recording and reproducing apparatus and equipment Other transport equipment Office machines ADP equipment Telecom and sound recording and reproducing apparatus and equipment Other transport equipment
SITC (R2) 75 76 79 75 76 79
1970 127 85 99 71 168 161
1971 142 91 98 79 147 141
1972 133 99 100 80 85 178
1973 103 94 98 97 60 146
1974 104 95 97 88 74 156
1975 100 100 100 100 100 100
1976 82 111 100 102 101 106
1977 90 110 105 95 92 116
1978 99 119 115 85 79 90
1979 114 133 117 81 52 129
1980 127 144 114 79 44 88
1981 Jan 128 149 112 78 36 143
Feb 129 148 109 70 36 176
Note: 1975=100 OTS basis.
* Export unit value index as a percentage of the import unit value index.
† Export volume index as a percentage of the import volume index.