HC Deb 27 July 1981 vol 9 c346W
Mr. Adley

asked the Secretary of State for Transport whether he is satisfied with present arrangements for maintaining trunk roads and motorways.

Mr. Kenneth Clarke

No. We have decided to review the way our Department and agent authorities manage these activities on trunk roads and motorways. We have therefore commissioned Inbucon Management Consultants Ltd. to undertake a study with the following terms of referenceTo examine the methods adopted by agent authorities and the Department of Transport for the management and control of general (and particularly recurrent) maintenance of trunk roads and motorways with a view to advising on how best to achieve:

  1. (i) maximum economy and value for money, subject to the essential needs of safety;
  2. (ii) effective control over such expenditure;
  3. (iii) a good understanding between the Department and its agent authorities.
The Study, insofar as recurrent maintenance is concerned, should include consideration of the Department's present agency arrangements, changes brought about by the recent direct labour organisation controls and an examination of the scope for alternative arrangements including the use of resources from the private sector.

We expect to receive the consultants' report by the end of February next year.