HC Deb 27 July 1981 vol 9 c317W
41. Sir John Biggs-Davison

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, in view of the difficulties currently experienced by growers in the Lea Valley, if he will take further measures to ensure fair competition in the horticulture sector in the European Community; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Wiggin

As my right hon. Friend told the House on 23 July—[Vol. 9, c. 483–87.]—we are continuing in the Council of Agriculture Ministers to press the Commission to act with greater urgency in removing the unfair competition which has resulted from the Dutch gas pricing arrangements for horticulture. More generally, we intend that the whole impact and effect of national aids shall be thoroughly studied in the Council on the basis of a paper which the Commission is producing. Meanwhile, in recognition of the special difficulties of glasshouse growers, including those in the Lea Valley, the Government are already providing financial aid towards their fuel costs up to the maximum allowed under Commission guidelines.