HC Deb 23 July 1981 vol 9 c233W
Mr. Haselhurst

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment whether a decision has yet been taken to call in the applications that have been made for planning permission for airport development at Maplin Sands and at Heathrow.

Mr. Giles Shaw

These applications, made by the Town and Country Planning Association and by Uttlesford district council, have now been called in for decision by my right hon. Friend. Public inquiries into the applications will be held concurrently with that into the application relating to development at Stanstead airport. As I said in my previous answer of 9 July to my hon. Friend—[Vol. 8, c. 216]—the inquiries will open on 29 September at Quendon Park near Bishop's Stortford. Local sessions of the Maplin and Heathrow inquiries will be held in convenient local venues.