HC Deb 21 July 1981 vol 9 c70W
Mr. Bidwell

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what was the cost of the report by accountants Dixon, Wilson arid Company concerning the index of the operating costs of London taxis published in September 1980.

Mr. Whitelaw

£3,375.99, exclusive of VAT.

Mr. Bidwell

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) on what criteria the recent London taxi fare increase of 13 per cent. was arrived at;

(2) what was the figure of movement of the cost index for the taxi trade arrived at by the Home Office appointed accountants for the taxi trade in the background of the most recent fares increase.

Mr. Whitelaw

The 13 per cent. increase in London taxi fares was the weighted average of a 16.2 per cent. increase in costs—as shown by the agreed index of operating costs—and a 9.1 per cent. increase in earnings.