HC Deb 29 January 1981 vol 997 cc479-80W
Sir John Langford-Holt

asked the Minister for the Civil Service what is the current strength of the scientific Civil Service; what it was five years ago; what is the planned total in 1983; and what proportion of these totals is represented by graduate level staff.

Mr. Hayhoe

The strength of the scientific Civil Service (SCS) at 1 October 1980 was 17,330, part-time staff being counted as half units. The corresponding figure at 1 October 1975 was 18,550. It is estimated that rather under 50 per cent. of the SCS were graduates on both dates. No targets for 1983 have been set.

Sir John Langford-Holt

asked the Minister for the Civil Service how many graduate level scientists and engineers have been recruited to the scientific Civil Service in each of the last five years; and how many are planned to be recruited in the current year and the next two years.

Mr. Hayhoe

The numbers of those appointed to the scientific Civil Service in the last five calendar years are: 1976, 252; 1977, 268; 1978, 515; 1979, 617; 1980 (provisional) some 370. (Data from the Civil Service Commission's Annual Reports 1976–79 which should be consulted for definitions.)

Tentative information from Departments indicates that in 1981 some 300 graduate scientists and engineers will be required. In the two following years, recruitment will depend on departmental needs.

Sir John Langford-Holt

asked the Minister for the Civil Service whether any moratorium has been imposed on the recruitment of graduate level scientists and engineers to the scientific Civil Service.

Mr. Hayhoe

No such moratorium has been imposed.

Sir John Langford-Holt

asked the Minister for the Civil Service what is the proportion of graduate level working scientists and engineers employed in the scientific Civil Service; how this proportion has changed over the last 20 years; and whether he plans to reduce the total of graduate level employees in the scientific Civil Service.

Mr. Hayhoe

Reliable information is not available centrally on the detail of graduate level employment in the scientific Civil Service (SCS). It is estimated that at 1 October 1980 rather under 50 per cent. of the SCS were graduates, a similar proportion to that at 1 October 1975, the earliest year for which central information is available. The reduction in Civil Service manpower which the Government have announced will affect all levels of the service.

Sir John Langford-Holt

asked the Minister for the Civil Service what are the main establishments in which members of the scientific Civil Service work; to which Government Departments these establishments are linked; and what are the numbers of scientific civil servants employed at each establishment.

Mr. Hayhoe

Information on the staffing of individual establishments within, or linked with, Government Departments, is not held centrally. Available details were published as annex G to the "Review of the Scientific Civil Service"—Cmnd. 8032—and are reproduced below. Individual Departments would be responsible for the provision of further information:

Unit/Division Number of Scientists employed
Ministry of Defence
Met. Office (5 Directorates) 2,278 at July 1979
Controller of Establishment and Research (12 Establishments) 6,223 at January 1980
Department of Industry
Laboratory of Government Chemist 1,666 at April 1979
National Engineering Laboratory
National Maritime Institute
National physical Laboratory
Warren spring Laboratory
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and food
Central R&D and Servicing Laboratories 1,180 at July 1979
Regional R&D and Servicing Laboratories 660 at July 1979
Department of the Environment/Transport
Building Research Establishment 496 at July 1979
Transport Road Research Laboratory 470 at July 1979
Hydraulics Research Station 158 at July 1979
Home Office
Forensic Science Service:
Central Research Establishment 58 at July 1979
Laboratories 395 at July 1979
Scottish Office
Agricultural Scientific Services 119 at July 1979
Fisheries Research 192 at July 1979
Botanical Horticultural Research 38 at July 1979
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Overseas Development Administration 439 at August 1979
Department of Employment
Health and Safety Executive 352 at May 1979