HL Deb 26 January 1981 vol 416 c620WA
Lord Blease

asked Her Majesty's Government:

  1. (a) What financial savings have accrued, to date, arising from changes in the arrangements concerning the employment of substitute teachers, as stipulated in the Department of Education (NI) Circular No. 1980/44, issued on 16th October 1980; and
  2. (b) What are the plans of the department to review these changed arrangements in the interest of maintaining educational standards at all levels.

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Northern Ireland Office (Lord Elton)

It is estimated that approximately £80,000 was saved up to 30th November 1980 as a result of the introduction in mid-October of the new arrangements for the employment of substitute teachers set out in Circular 1980/44. Information for December is not yet available. I have reviewed the operation of the circular and considered the comments received, and I am now consulting school authorities and teachers' unions about revised arrangements, which are aimed at achieving the financial savings required with as little detrimental effect on educational standards as is possible.