HC Deb 14 January 1981 vol 996 cc530-1W
Mr Dykes

asked the Secretary of State for Trade (1) if he will resume negotiations to have the planned European Trade Mark Office located in London, in view of French suggestions that it should be located in Strasbourg;

(2) what steps he is taking to have the proposed EEC Trade Mark Office located in Great Britain.

Mr. Eyre

So far there have been no negotiations on siting the European Community Trade Mark Office, although the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands and Belgium have all indicated that they would wish the office to be sited in their territory. The initiative for any future negotiations in the context of the European Community and the Rome Treaty lies with the Commission, which alone can put a specific proposal to this effect to the Council. This it has refrained from doing at this stage on the grounds that the siting of the Office involves political considerations which would unduly complicate early negotiations on the regulation. It has also indicated that its action will leave time for further bids to be made. It is unlikely that the Community trade mark regulation which will establish the office will be finalised in the next three years and it is difficult to earmark a site or sites which we can propose to the Community so far in advance of the actual need. Nevertheless, both the last Administration and the present Government are well aware of the need to keep the United Kingdom bid to the fore and on a number of occasions the United Kingdom's desire to bring the office to London has been reiterated in Brussels. The United Kingdom bid was last confirmed in Brussels in June of last year and the Government intend to follow up with suggested sites at a more appropriate time.

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