HC Deb 27 February 1981 vol 999 cc464-5W
Mr. Wigley

asked the Secretary of State for Transport what weight limits have been imposed on the use of the Severn bridge; when these limits were introduced; and if he has considered the position in the light of the recommendations of the Armitage report.

Mr. Roy Hughes

asked the Secretary of State for Transport if he proposes to change the limit on the weight of lorries which are allowed to cross the Severn bridge in the context of any decision to implement the recommendation of the Armitage committee.

Mr. Fowler

A 32-ton weight limit was imposed on 26 January 1977. Also a 1 ½-ton weight limit was imposed for peak periods whilst rocker strengthening work was carried out in 1977–78. The 32-ton weight limit was retained after rocker strengthening was complete as an additional control over vehicles in excess of 32 tons travelling under the special types general order regulations. This causes no inconvenience to normal private and commercial traffic complying with the construction and use regulations. Under normal traffic flow conditions, the heavier vehicles recommended in the Armitage report would be acceptable.