HL Deb 03 February 1981 vol 416 c1193WA
Lord Blease

asked Her Majesty's Government:

(a) What are their plans to review the administrative arrangements, and the industrial, employment and social effects of the Short-Time Working Compensation Scheme in the standard regions of the United Kingdom; and

(b) What arrangements are there in Northern Ireland for suitable consultations with the representatives of both sides of industry about the operation and future of the Short-Time Working Compensation Scheme in Northern Ireland.

The Minister of State, Department of Employment (The Earl of Gowrie)

(a) The Temporary Short-Time Working Compensation Scheme is reviewed annually along with all the special employment measures. The industrial, employment and social effects of the TSTWC scheme are taken into account as part of this review. The administrative arrangements of the scheme are constantly under review in an attempt to increase the efficiency of the scheme whilst at the same time maintaining proper control on the disbursement of public funds.

(b) As the Northern Ireland scheme operates on the same basis as that in Great Britain changes to the Northern Ireland scheme have followed those for the rest of the United Kingdom.