HC Deb 21 December 1981 vol 15 cc266-7W
Mr. Thomas Cox

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what were the total numbers for the Metropolitan Police district, for the first nine months of 1981 and the comparable period in 1980, of (a) robberies, (b) robberies in which firearms were used, (c) robberies at sub-post offices in which firearms were used and (d) firearms used in robberies at sub-post offices; what types of firearm were used at the robberies in group (d); and if he will break down the figures for robberies at which firearms were used by geographical area within the Metropolitan Police district.

Mr. Mayhew

We understand from the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis that the information readily available is as shown in the following table. The further details requested could be obtained only at disproportionate cost.

Offences of robbery recorded* by the Metropolitan Police, January-September 1980 and 1981
Metropolitan Police district Number of offences
Jan.-Sept. Jan.-Sept.
1980 1981†
All offences of robbery recorded 5,210 7,997
Offences of robbery in which firearms were reported to have been used by location:
Post Office 30 99
Elsewhere 483 806
Total 513 905
by District
A 4 11
B 19 14
C 23 25
D 26 28
E 41 54
F 13 27
G 18 44
H 23 40
I 2 7
J 23 25
K 36 69
L 22 68
M 21 71
N 31 25

Metropolitan Police district Number of offences
P 43 66
Q 40 54
R 21 40
S 12 40
T 11 35
V 5 12
W 17 31
X 15 52
Y 30 35
Z 17 32
Total 513 905
* Offences recorded in the period, which may have been committed in a previous period.
† Provisional.