HL Deb 29 April 1981 vol 419 c1267WA
Lord Renton

asked Her Majesty's Government:

When they will announce the results of their review of statistical services.

The Lord President of the Council (Lord Soames)

The Government have today published a White Paper on the results of the review of Government statistical services. At the same time the full range of background reports is being made publicly available by the Ministers concerned.

The Government aim to make savings of £25 million a year in statistical costs by 1984 and to reduce the number of posts involved by about 2,500. Businesses will be relieved of the burden of three-quarters of a million statistical returns. These savings will be achieved mainly as a reuslt of careful and detailed reviews carried out in each department over the last year by Ministers and their staff, with the help of Sir Derek Rayner. The Government's statistical effort will remain a substantial one, employing 6,500 staff and costing £75 million a year. The essential statistical services will continue and their management will be stronger. The reviews are consistent with the Government's policies for achieving a smaller Civil Service concentrating on the efficient performance of essential tasks.