HL Deb 27 April 1981 vol 419 c1118WA
Lord Harris of High Cross

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What has been the total cost to local authorities over five-year periods since 1945 of: (a) current subsidies; and, (b) capital grants, if any, for British Rail, the National Bus Company and the London Transport Executive; all figures to be expressed in terms of constant 1979 survey prices.

Lord Bellwin

Local authorities made no significant contribution to these public transport operators before 1970. Such information as is readily available on payments since that date is as follows:

£million 1980 1970/71–74/75 inclusive survey prices 1975/76–79/80 inclusive
1. Local authority payments to BR (in England):
(a) capital not available
(b) current 76 155
2. Local authority payments to NBC (in England and Wales):
(a) capital Nil Nil
(b) current 21 156
3. Local authority payments to LTE:
(a) capital 193 424
(b) current 53 496

Because of the approximations involved in revaluation to constant prices over successive years, the figures for the earlier years should be regarded as an indication of orders of magnitude only.