HC Deb 13 April 1981 vol 3 cc34-5W
Mr. Dewar

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will publish in the Official Report a table showing for 1975–76 to 1980–81 local authority income by source in a form comparable to table 3 of 'Local Government Financial Statistics England and Wales 1978–79', but distinguishing capital from revenue.

Mr. Younger

The information for the years 1975–76 to 1978–79 is shown in the table below. Information in respect of 1979–80 and 1980–81 is not yet available.

Mr. Dewar

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will publish in the Official Report a table showing for 1980–81 the amounts of all central Government grants to local authorities other than those listed in the Rate Support Grant Order Report.

Mr. Younger

the information, grouped by spending programme, is contained in the following table.

Central Government grants to local Authorities other than in the RSG order report
1980–81 (Provisional outturn)
Agriculture, fisheries, food and forestry Nil
Industry, energy, trade and employment
Grants to strengthen local authority careers service 7,000
Passenger transport executive: Grants for unremunerative railway passenger services 392,000
Grants for transport research 14,000
Grants for principal roads 3,380,000
Grants for roads under the Congested Districts (Scotland) Act 1897 341,000
Grants for roads under the Local Employment Act 1972 308,000
Grants for infrastructure 3,044,000
Grants for piers and harbours 385,000
Subsidies under the Housing (Financial Provision) (Scotland) Act 1972: slum clearance subsidy 2,233,000
Housing grant 242,831,000
Remanet subsidies (Pre-Housing (Financial Provision) (Scotland) Act 1978) 2,440,000
Environmental improvement grants* 382,000
Rent rebate subsidy 35,524,000
Rent allowance subsidy 2,324,000
Grants for the provision of gypsy sites 97,000
Housing association grants* 5,912,000
Other environmental services
Rural water supply grants 3,057,000
Water supply grants (under Local Employment Act 1972) 46,000
Rural sewerage grants 99,000
Sewerage grants (under Local Employment Act 1972) 292,000
Flood prevention grants 83,000
Flood warning grants 10,000
Countryside grants 705,000
Oil and chemical pollution grants 17,000
Derelict land grants 389,000
Coast protection grants 247,000
Urban programme capital grants 1,869,000
Historic buildings grant 150,000
Law, order and protective services Nil
Education and science, arts and libraries
Grant towards cost of experimental low energy primary school project 30,000
Purchases by local museums 91,571
Scientific etc. purchases by local museums 13,229
Royal Scottish Museum heritage purchases 45,000
Burrell collection (grant towards provision of accommodation) 2,290,650
Health and personal social services
Grants for administration of Imported Food (Scotland) Regulations 39,000
* Grants paid to local authorities for onward transmission to housing associations.